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Anita Dyah
Solo Culinary Destination
Di kalangan penyuka makanan enak (para wisata kuliner), Solo dikenal sebagai salah satu kota di Tanah Air yang merupakan “gudang”-nya makanan lezat. Berbagai makanan minuman maupun jajanan yang khas dapat dengan mudah dijumpai di Solo. Anda akan dimanjakan oleh keanekaragaman makanan yang tersebar di berbagai sudut kota ini, yang menyajikan cita rasa khas dan eksotis yang langka dijumpai di tempat lain.

Cabuk Rambak biasa dijajakan berkeliling kampung pada hari-hari biasa. Saat perayaan sekaten bisa dijumpai di sekitar halaman Masjid Agung Keraton. Makanan dengan menu utama ketupat ini sangat khas di Solo. Ketupat sering disebut juga dengan gendar janur, karena beras sebagai bahan utama ketupat dimasak dalam anyaman janur / daun kelapa yang masih muda. Yang membedakan dengan makanan ketupat di daerah lain adalah bumbunya. Bumbu cabuk rambak memakai wijen yang digoreng bersama santan kelapa, cabai, bawang putih, kemiri dan gula merah. Makanan ini disantap dengan karak, sejenis krupuk dengan bahan dasar beras.

Tengkleng merupakan makanan semacam gulai kambing tetapi kuahnya tidak memakai santan. Isi tengkleng adalah tulang-tulang kambing dengan sedikit daging yang menempel, bersama dengan usus, sate jerohan, otak dan organ-organ lain seperti mata, telinga, pipi, kaki dan lain-lain. Kenikmatan menyantap tengkleng akan terasa ketika kita menggerogoti sedikit daging yang menempel pada tulang dan menghisap isinya. Makanan ini dapat ditemukan di samping Gapura Pasar Klewer dan Warung Tengkleng Yu Tentrem di Jl Letjend Sutoyo.
Sate Kere ini sangat unik karena menu utamanya adalah sate tempe gembus, yaitu tempe yang dibuat dari ampas kedele sisa pembuatan tahu. Selain itu juga ada sate jerohan sapi, seperti paru, limpa, hati, iso, torpedo, ginjal, dan babat. Sebelum dibakar bahan makanan ini direndam dalam bumbu khas. Sedangkan bumbu untuk menyantapnya yaitu bumbu kacang, dengan kacang yang tidak terlalu banyak sehingga terasa lebih ringan. Sate kere dapat dijumpai di sebelah selatan stadion sriwedari, Warung Yu Rebi dan di depan TK Marsudirini.
Gudeg Ceker berbahan dasar ceker (kaki ayam) yang menjadi pendamping yang dihidangkan bersama gudeg. Ceker direbus dengan bumbu santan yang direbus dengan bumbu santan sehingga terasa lunak dan lezat. Selain gudeg, ceker juga dapat disajikan sebagai makanan pendamping bubur. Paduan menu ini akan semakin lezat ketika disiram dengan kuah Sambel Goreng Krecek. Gudeg ceker ini dapat ditemui di Jl. Wolter Monginsidi Margoyudan, Warung Gudeg Ceker bu Kasno dibuka mulai jam 2 pagi dan Warung Gudeg sebelah utara perempatan warung pelem buka mulai jam 7 malam.

Selat Segar Solo adalah salah satu bentuk percampuran masakan berkuah asal barat dengan selera lidah lokal. Racikan selat solo merupakan adaptasi dari salad yang terdiri dari irisan daging, ditambah dengan rebusan wortel, buncis, telur pindang, kentang dan dilengkapi mayonaise serta kuah kecap yang segar. Warung selat yang terkenal di Solo adalah Warung Selat Mbak Lies di Serengan dan RM Kusuma Sari di Perempatan Nonongan.

Tahu Kupat adalah salah satu makanan khas Solo yang terdiri dari ketupat, mi basah, taoge, tahu goreng, bakwan yang dipotong-potong dan kacang goreng yang disiram dengan bumbu kecap manis. Sebagai tambahan kadang juga ditambah telur dadar. Tahu kupat dapat dengan mudah ditemui di sepanjang Jl. Gajah Mada dan di depan Pasar Kadipolo.

Bakmi Toprak Solo berbeda dengan ketoprak jakarta. Toprak solo terdiri dari mi kuning, irisan kol, tahu tempe goreng, telur dan sosis goreng, kemudian disiram dengan kuah kaldu dan irisan tetelan daging sapi serta taburan bawang goreng dan seledri. Sebagai pelengkap bisa ditambah karak (kerupuk nasi).

Nasi Liwet merupakan makanan khas Solo yang paling terkenal. Nasi Liwet adalah beras yang dimasak denga kaldu ayam yang membuat nasi terasa gurih dan beraroma lezat. Nasi tersebut dicampur dengan sayur labu siyam yang dimasak agak pedas, telur pindang rebus, daging ayam suwir, kumut (terbuat dari kuah santan yang dikentalkan). Disajikan dengan daun pisang yang dibentuk pincuk sebagai piringnya. Penjual Nasi Liwet banyak dapat dijumpai di daerah Keprabon, buka mulai jam 4 sore.


Timlo Solo adalah hidangan berkuah bening yang berisi sosis goreng yang dipotong-potong, telur ayam pindang dan irisan hati ampela ayam. Menu ini disantap dengan nasi putih yang ditaburi bawang goreng. Berbeda dengan daerah lain, timlo solo tidak memakai soun dan jamur. Warung Timlo dapat dijumpai di Timur Pasar Gede buka pagi hari dan di Jl Urip Sumoharjo.

Sambel Tumpang terdiri dari nasi putih yang ditumpangi aneka sayuran rebus seperti bayam, taoge, dan kacang panjang kemudian disiram kuah kental yang terbuat dari santan dan tempe sangit (tempe yang mulai membusuk) yang dihaluskan. Sambel tumpang dapat ditemukan stadion manahan dan di pasar-pasar tradisional.

Ada cara lain untuk menikmati gule kambing yang disebut Gul-Gor (Gule Goreng). Gule kambing yang berkuah santan kental dimasak diatas anglo (kompor) arang sampai kering. Proses ini akan membuat daging semakin empuk dan menciptakan rasa unik dan khas. Penjual Gulgor dapat dijumpai di Jl. Diponegoro, sebelah bekas gedung bioskop Dedy Teather dan di depan RS Kustati Pasar Kliwon.

Sate Buntel adalah sate kambing khas kota Solo terbuat dari daging kambing yang dicincang halus, diberi bumbu bawang dan merica, kemudian dibuntel (bungkus) dengan lemak kambing. Dimakan bersama kecap, irisan cabe rawit, bawang merah, irisan kol dan tomat. Menu yang lain adalah sate kikil kambing dan gule sumsum. Warung sate kambing dapat dijumpai di Jl. Sutan Syahrir Tambak Segaran.

Pecel Ndeso adalah nasi pecel yang berasal dari beras merah, dicampur sayur yang berisi dedaunan dan tanaman mulai dari jantung pisang, nikir, daun petai cina, bunga turi, dan kacang panjang, sambal wijen putih atau hitam. Disantap  bersama belut goreng, wader pari goreng, telur ceplok, sosis solo, bongko (kacang merah dan kelapa), gembrot (kelapa dan daun simbukan), otak dan iso goreng. Warung pecel ndeso yang terkenal di solo adalah Waroeng Tempo Doeloe di Jl. Dr Supomo 55 Pasar Mbeling, selain itu juga pecel ndeso banyak dijajakan oleh ibu-ibu berkeliling kampung.

Wedangan merupakan salah satu tempat bersosialisasi masyarakat Solo. Tidak hanya sebagai tempat berjualan makanan, tapi juga sarana bersantai, bertukar informasi dengan suasana yang khas. Di atas meja atau gerobak yang unik tersaji nasi yang dibungkus kecil-kecil dan berbagai lauk pauk yang sangat akrab di lidah karena merupakan makanan sehari-hari. Pengunjung leluasa mengambil makanan yang tersaji. Sambil minum teh hangat, kopi, atau wedang jahe pengunjung bisa bergaul akrab. Yang menarik ditempat ini adalah terbentuk kepercayaan antara penjual dan pembeli. Pembeli tinggal mengatakan apa yang sudah disantap dan penjual dengan sigap menghitungnya. Wedangan dapat dijumpai di setiap sudut kota Solo.

Serabi Solo berbeda dengan serabi daerah lain. Jajanan ini tidak dimakan bersama kuah santan yang manis, karena rasanya sendiri sudah manisa dan gurih. Serabi Solo terbuat dari adonan tepung beras, gula pasir, dan santan. Serabi Solo berbentuk bulat seperti piring dengan kerak disekelilingnya. Serabi Solo memakai toping yang beraneka macam seperti taburan coklat, nangka, dan irisan pisang.

Intip adalah kerak nasi yang dijemur sampai kering, kemudian digoreng dalam minyak yang panas. Setelah matang ditaburi garam dan adonan gula merah cair. Intip ini terasa gurih karena sari dari nasi yang mengumpul di kerak nasi yang ada di dasar periuk. Intip banyak dijumpai di toko oleh-oleh daerah Pasar Klewer, Pasar Jongke, Pasar Singosaren, depan Toko Orion, dan toko intip di sebelah utara Mangkunegaran.

Dawet Ayu Pasar Gede ini berbeda dengan dawet lainnya. Dawet ini berasal dari cendol dari tepung beras atau Onggok, ketan hitam, dan selasih yang disiram dengan sirup dari gula kelapayang berwarna bening. Dawet ayu ini tersedia di dalam Pasar Gede Hardjonagoro di pagi hari.

Gempol Pleret terbuat dari tepung beras kasar yang dibuat bulatan-bulatan berdiameter sekitar 1,5 cm. Bulatan ini kemudian disiram dengan kuah santan dan gula kelapa. Gempol Pleret bisa dijumpai di depan toko Abon Varia, Coyudan, pasar tradisional dan banyak juga penjaja keliling yang menjual gempol pleret.

Susu Segar dijajakan di tenda-tenda mulai sore hari. Menu utamanya adalah susu segar murni, akan tetapi ada menu lain seperti susu sirup, susu coklat, susu jahe, susu madu, bahkan susu telor.

Wedang Dongo adalah minuman beraroma jahe ini mirip dengan wedang ronde. Wedang dongo terdiri dari bulatan yang terbuat dari tepung ketan yang berisi kacang tumbuk dan irisan kolang kaling, kemudian disiram dengan air jahe manis.

Rambak petis adalah salah satu makanan yang tidak boleh dilupakan saat mencari oleh-oleh khas Solo. Berbahan baku dari kulit sapi dan kerbau. Camilan ini diproses seperti membuat kerupuk. Yang unik dari panganan ini adalah petisnya. Petis ini semacam kecap yang dihidangkan bersama rambak, dibuat dari kaldu sapi yang diproses bersama gula dan bumbu khas.

Tahok, makanan yang konon berasal dari Cina, terbuat dari dari ampas kedelai yang menggumpal seperti agar-agar lembek, kemudian disiram dengan kuah dari campuran gula dan jahe sehingga terasa hangat. Pedagang tahok dapat dijumpai di utara kretek gantung, lodji wetan atau diselatan pasar besar.

Abon Sapi dan Ayam Varia adalah oleh-oleh khas kota Solo, terletak di Jl. Coyudan 114, buka mulai jam 9 pagi. Toko ini selain abon juga menjual oleh-oleh khas lain seperti serundeng.

Soto Gading adalah warung soto yang paling terkenal di kota Solo. Soto disajikan langsung bersama nasi putih. Tersedia juga lauk yang komplit di meja-meja pengunjung. Dengan rasa yang khas, warung soto ini selalu menjadi tujuan wisata kuliner.
Orion adalah toko roti yang berumur puluhan tahun dan dikenal sebagai toko roti tertus di Kota Solo. Menu khas toko ini adalah roti mandarin. Toko ini terletak di Jl. Urip Sumoharjo, utara pasar besar.

Toko roti yang mempunyai produk khas yaitu Roti Kecik, sejenis roti kering yang berbentuk stick sebesar ibu jari. Berbahan baku tepung ketan beraroma kayu manis. Roti Kecik Ganep bertempat di Jl. Sutan Syahrir 176 Tambaksegaran.

Anita Dyah

한국 (S. Korean)
조선 (N. Korean)
Largest city Seoul
Language(s) Korean
Sovereign states  North Korea
 South Korea
 -  President of the ROK Park Geun-hye
 -  Supreme Leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-un
 -  Total 219,140 km2[1][2]
84,610 sq mi
 -  Water (%) 2.8
 -  2010 estimate 74,000,000[3]
 -  Density 328.49/km2
850.7/sq mi
Currency Won () (N/S)
Time zone KST (UTC+9)
ISO 3166 code KR/KP

Korea, known as Hanguk in South Korean and Chosŏn in North Korean, is an East Asian territory that is divided into two distinct sovereign states, North Korea and South Korea. Located on the Korean Peninsula, Korea is bordered by China to the northwest and Russia to the northeast. It is separated from Japan to the east by the Korea Strait and the Sea of Japan (the Korean "East Sea"); it is separated from Taiwan to the south by the East China Sea.
The adoption of the Chinese writing system ("Hanja" in Korean) in the 2nd century BC and the introduction of Buddhism in the 4th century AD had profound effects on the Three Kingdoms of Korea, which was first united during the Silla (57 BC – AD 935) under the King Munmu. The united Silla fell to Goryeo in 935 at the end of the Later Three Kingdoms. Goryeo was a highly cultured state and created the Jikji in the 14th century. The invasions by the Mongolians in the 13th century, however, greatly weakened the nation, which was forced to become a tributary state. After the Mongol Empire's collapse, severe political strife followed. The Ming-allied Joseon emerged supreme in 1388.
The first 200 years of Joseon were marked by relative peace and saw the creation of the Korean Hangul alphabet by King Sejong the Great in the 14th century and the increasing influence of Confucianism. During the later part of the dynasty, however, Korea's isolationist policy earned it the Western nickname of the "Hermit kingdom". By the late 19th century, the country became the object of the colonial designs by Japan. In 1910, Korea was annexed by Japan and remained a colony until the end of World War II in August 1945.
In 1945, the Soviet Union and the United States agreed on the surrender of Japanese forces in Korea in the aftermath of World War II, leaving Korea partitioned along the 38th parallel, with the north under Soviet occupation and the south under U.S. occupation. These circumstances soon became the basis for the division of Korea by the two superpowers, exacerbated by their inability to agree on the terms of Korean independence. The two Cold War rivals then established governments centered around their own respective ideologies, leading to Korea's division into two political entities: North Korea and South Korea.
  • Etymology

"Korea" is the modern spelling of Corea, a name attested in English as early as 1614. It is an exonym derived from Cauli, Marco Polo's transcription of the Chinese 高麗 (simp.高丽, MCKawlej,[6] mod.Gāolì). This was the Hanja for the Korean kingdom of Goryeo or Koryŏ (고려; 918–1392), which ruled most of the peninsula during the time of his travels. (Scholars who discount the historicity of Polo's account instead derive it via Persian variations of the same Chinese name.[7]) Goryeo's name was an homage to the earlier Goguryeo or Koguryo (고구려; 37 BCAD 668), the northernmost of the Samkuk (the Three Kingdoms of Korea), which was officially known by the shortened form Goryeo after the 5th-century reign of King Jangsu. The original name was a combination of the adjective go ("high, lofty") with the name of a local Yemaek tribe, whose original name is thought to have been either Guru (구루, "walled city") or Gauri (가우리, "center"). With expanding British and American trade following the opening of Korea in the late 19th century, the spelling "Korea" appeared and gradually grew in popularity; its use in transcribing East Asian languages avoids the issues caused by the separate hard and soft Cs existing in English vocabulary derived from the Romance languages. The name Korea is now commonly used in English contexts by both North and South Korea.
In South Korea, Korea as a whole is referred to as Hanguk (한국, [haːnɡuk], lit. "country of the Han"). The name references the SamhanMa, Jin, and Byeon—who preceded the Three Kingdoms in the southern and central end of the peninsula during the 1st centuries BC and AD. Although written in Hanja as , , or , this Han has no relation to the Chinese place names or peoples who used those characters but was a phonetic transcription (OC: *Gar, MCHan or Gan) of a native Korean word that seems to have had the meaning "big" or "great", particularly in reference to leaders. It has been tentatively linked with the title khan used by the nomads of Manchuria and Central Asia.
In North Korea, Korea as a whole is referred to as Chosŏn (조선, Joseon, [tɕosʌn], lit. "[land of the] Morning Calm"). "Great Joseon" was the name of the kingdom ruled by the Joseon dynasty from 1393 until their declaration of the short-lived Great Korean Empire in 1897. King Taejo had named them for the earlier Gojoseon (고조선), who ruled northern Korea from its legendary prehistory until their conquest in 108 BC by China's Han Empire. This go is the Hanja and simply means "ancient" or "old"; it's a modern usage to distinguish the ancient Joseon from the later dynasty. Joseon itself is the modern Korean pronunciation of the Hanja 朝鮮 but it remains unclear whether this was a transcription of a native Korean name (OC*T[r]awser, MCTrjewsjen) or a partial translation into Chinese of the Korean capital Asadal (아사달), whose meaning has been reconstructed as "Morning Land" or "Mountain".
  • History

Part of a series on the
History of Korea
Bulguksa temple, Gyeongju
Wiman Joseon 194–108 BC
Proto–Three Kingdoms
Three Kingdoms
Goguryeo 37 BC – 668 AD
Baekje 18 BC – 660 AD
Silla 57 BC – 935 AD
Gaya confederacy 42–562
North and South States
Unified Silla 668–935
Balhae 698–926
Later Three Kingdoms
Hubaekje 892–936
Taebong 901–918
Silla 57 BC – 935 AD
Unitary dynastic period
Goryeo 918–1392
Joseon 1392–1897
Korean Empire 1897–1910
Colonial period
Japanese rule 1910–45
Provisional Government 1919–48
Division of Korea
Military Governments 1945–48
North Korea 1948–present
South Korea 1948–present
By topic
Portal icon Korea portal

Prehistory and Gojoseon

The Korean Academy of North America discovered ancient hominid fossils originating from about 100,000 BC in the lava at a stone city site in Korea. Fluorescent and high-magnetic analyses indicate the volcanic fossils may be from as early as 300,000 BC. The best preserved Korean pottery goes back to the paleolithic times around 10,000 BC and the Neolithic period begins around 6000 BC.
Gojoseon's founding legend describes Dangun, a descendent of Heaven, as establishing the kingdom in 2333 BC The original capital may have been on the present-day Manchurian border, but was later moved to what is today Pyongyang in North Korea. In 108 BC, the Chinese Han Dynasty defeated Wiman Joseon and installed the Four Commanderies of Han in the area of the northwestern Korean Peninsula and part of the Liaodong Peninsula, leaving many smaller kingdoms and confederacies in the southern and eastern parts of the peninsula. By 75 BC, three of those commanderies had fallen, but the Lelang Commandery remained as a center of cultural and economic exchange with successive Chinese dynasties until 313, when it fell to Goguryeo.

Proto–Three Kingdoms

The Proto–Three Kingdoms period, sometimes called the Several States Period, is the earlier part of what is commonly called the Three Kingdoms Period, following the fall of Gojoseon but before Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla fully developed into kingdoms.
This time period saw numerous states spring up from the former territories of Gojoseon. Buyeo arose in today's North Korea and southern Manchuria, from about the 2nd century BC to 494. Its remnants were absorbed by Goguryeo in 494, and both Goguryeo and Baekje, two of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, considered themselves its successor. Okjeo and Dongye of northern Korea were eventually absorbed into the growing Goguryeo.
Located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, Samhan refers to the three confederacies of Mahan, Jinhan, and Byeonhan. Mahan was the largest and consisted of 54 states. Byeonhan and Jinhan both consisted of twelve states, bringing a total of 78 states within the Samhan. These three confederacies eventually developed into Baekje, Silla, and Gaya.

Three Kingdoms

The Three Kingdoms of Korea (Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje) dominated the peninsula and parts of Manchuria at beginning of the 1st century AD. They competed with each other both economically and militarily.
Goguryeo united Buyeo, Okjeo, Dongye and other states in the former Gojoseon territory. Goguryeo was the most dominant power; it reached its zenith in the 5th century, when reign of the Gwanggaeto the Great and his son, Jangsu expanded territory into almost all of Manchuria and part of inner Mongolia, and took the Seoul region from Baekje. Gwanggaeto and Jangsu subdued Baekje and Silla during their times. After the 7th century, Goguryeo was constantly at war with the Sui and Tang dynasties of China.
Founded around modern day Seoul, the southwestern kingdom Baekje expanded far beyond Pyongyang during the peak of its powers in the 4th century. It had absorbed all of the Mahan states and subjugated most of the western Korean peninsula (including the modern provinces of Gyeonggi, Chungcheong, and Jeolla, as well as part of Hwanghae and Gangwon) to a centralised government. Baekje acquired Chinese culture and technology through contacts with the Southern Dynasties during the expansion of its territory. Historic evidence suggests that Japanese culture, art, and language was strongly influenced by the kingdom of Baekje and Korea it self.
Although later records claim that Silla, in the southeast, was the oldest of the three kingdoms, it is now believed to have been the last kingdom to develop. By the 2nd century, Silla existed as a large state, occupying and influencing nearby city states. Silla began to gain power when it annexed the Gaya confederacy in AD 562. The Gaya confederacy was located between Baekje and Silla. The three kingdoms of Korea often warred with each other and Silla often faced pressure from Baekje and Goguryeo but at various times Silla also allied with Baekje and Goguryeo in order to gain dominance over the peninsula.
In 660, King Muyeol of Silla ordered his armies to attack Baekje. General Kim Yu-shin (Gim Yu-sin), aided by Tang forces, conquered Baekje. In 661, Silla and Tang moved on Goguryeo but were repelled. King Munmu, son of Muyeol and nephew of General Kim launched another campaign in 667 and Goguryeo fell in the following year.

North and South States period

In the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries, Silla's power gradually extended across the Korean Peninsula. Silla first annexed the adjacent Gaya confederacy. By the 660s, Silla formed an alliance with the Tang Dynasty of China to conquer Baekje and later Goguryeo. After repelling Chinese forces, Silla partially unified the peninsula, beginning a period often called Unified Silla.
In the north, former Goguryeo General Dae Joyeong led a group of Goguryeo refugees to the Jilin area in Manchuria and founded Balhae (698–926) as the successor to Goguryeo. At its height, Balhae's territory extended from northern Manchuria down to the northern provinces of modern-day Korea. Balhae was destroyed by the Khitans in 926.
Unified Silla fell apart in the late 9th century, giving way to the tumultuous Later Three Kingdoms period (892–935). Goryeo unified the Later Three Kingdoms and absorbed Balhae refugees.


The country Goryeo was founded in 918 and replaced Silla as the ruling dynasty of Korea. "Goryeo" is a short form of "Goguryeo" and the source of the English name "Korea". The dynasty lasted until 1392.
During this period laws were codified, and a civil service system was introduced. Buddhism flourished, and spread throughout the peninsula. The development of celadon industry flourished in 12th and 13th century. The publication of Tripitaka Koreana onto 80,000 wooden blocks and the invention of the world's first movable-metal-type printing press in 13th century attest to Goryeo's cultural achievements.
Their dynasty was threatened by Mongol invasions from the 1230s into the 1270s, but the dynastic line continued to survive until 1392 since they negotiated a treaty with the Mongols that kept its sovereign power.
In 1350s, King Gongmin was free at last to reform a Goryeo government. Gongmin had various problems that needed to be dealt with, which included the removal of pro-Mongol aristocrats and military officials, the question of land holding, and quelling the growing animosity between the Buddhists and Confucian scholars.

Joseon dynasty

The Gyeongbokgung Palace
In 1392, the general Yi Seong-gye established the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910) with a largely bloodless coup. He named it the Joseon Dynasty in honor of the previous Joseon before (Gojoseon is the first Joseon. "Go", meaning "old", was added to distinguish between the two).
King Taejo moved the capital to Hanseong (formerly Hanyang; modern-day Seoul) and built the Gyeongbokgung palace. In 1394 he adopted Confucianism as the country's official religion, resulting in much loss of power and wealth by the Buddhists. The prevailing philosophy was Neo-Confucianism.
Joseon experienced advances in science and culture. King Sejong the Great (1418–50) promulgated hangul, the Korean alphabet. The period saw various other cultural and technological advances as well as the dominance of neo-Confucianism over the entire peninsula. Slaves, nobi, are estimated to have accounted for about one third of the population of Joseon Korea.
Between 1592 and 1598, the Japanese invaded Korea. Toyotomi Hideyoshi tried to invade the Asian continent through Korea, but was completely defeated by a Righteous army, Admiral Yi Sun-sin and assistance from Ming China. This war also saw the rise of the career of Admiral Yi Sun-sin with the "turtle ship". Japanese warriors brought back to Japan as war trophies an estimated 100,000–200,000 noses cut from Korean victims. In the 1620s and 1630s Joseon suffered invasions by the Manchu.
After invasions from Manchuria, Joseon experienced a nearly 200-year period of peace. King Yeongjo and King Jeongjo led a new renaissance of the Joseon dynasty.
However, during the last years of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea's isolationist policy earned it the name the "Hermit Kingdom", primarily for protection against Western imperialism before it was forced to open trade beginning an era leading into Japanese colonial rule.

Korean Empire

The earliest surviving depiction of the Korean flag was printed in a US Navy book Flags of Maritime Nations in July 1889.
Beginning in the 1871s, Japan began to force Korea out of the Manchu Qing Dynasty's traditional sphere of influence into its own. As a result of the Sino-Japanese War (1894–95), the Qing Dynasty had to give up such a position according to Article 1 of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, which was concluded between China and Japan in 1895. That same year, Empress Myeongseong was assassinated by Japanese agents.
In 1897, the Joseon dynasty proclaimed the Korean Empire (1897–1910), and King Gojong became Emperor Gojong. This brief period saw the partially successful modernisation of the military, economy, real property laws, education system, and various industries, influenced by the political encroachment into Korea of Russia, Japan, France, and the United States.
In 1904, the Russo-Japanese War pushed the Russians out of the fight for Korea. In Manchuria on October 26, 1909, An Jung-geun assassinated the former Resident-General of Korea, Itō Hirobumi for his role in trying to force Korea into occupation.

Japanese occupation

The memorial tablet for the March 1st movement in Pagoda Park, Seoul
In 1910, an already militarily occupied Korea was a forced party to the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty. The treaty was signed by Lee Wan-Yong, who was given the General Power of Attorney by the Emperor. However, the Emperor is said to have not actually ratified the treaty according to Yi Tae-jin. There is a long dispute whether this treaty was legal or illegal due to its signing under duress, threat of force and bribes.
Korean resistance to the brutal Japanese occupation was manifested in the nonviolent March 1st Movement of 1919, during which 7,000 demonstrators were killed by Japanese police and military. The Korean liberation movement also spread to neighbouring Manchuria and Siberia.
Over five million Koreans were conscripted for labour beginning in 1939, and tens of thousands of men were forced into Japan's military. Close to 400,000 Korean labourers lost their lives due to the war. Approximately 200,000 girls and women, mostly from China and Korea, were forced into sexual slavery for the Japanese military. In 1993, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono acknowledged the terrible injustices faced by these euphemistically named "comfort women".[38][39]
During the Japanese Colonial rule, the Korean language was suppressed in an effort to eradicate Korean national identity. Koreans were forced to take Japanese surnames, known as Sōshi-kaimei.[40] Traditional Korean culture suffered heavy losses, as numerous Korean cultural artifacts were destroyed or taken to Japan. To this day, valuable Korean artifacts can often be found in Japanese museums or among private collections. One investigation by the South Korean government identified 75,311 cultural assets that were taken from Korea, 34,369 in Japan and 17,803 in the United States. However, experts estimate that over 100,000 artifacts actually remain in Japan. Japanese officials considered returning Korean cultural properties, but to date this has not occurred. Korea and Japan still dispute the ownership of the Liancourt Rocks, islets located east of the Korean Peninsula.
There was a significant level of emigration to the overseas territories of the Empire of Japan during the Japanese colonial period, including Korea. By the end of World War II, there were over 850,000 Japanese settlers in Korea. After World War II, most of these overseas Japanese repatriated to Japan.

Korean War

Urban combat in Seoul, 1950, as US Marines fight North Koreans holding the city.
With the surrender of Japan in 1945 the United Nations developed plans for a trusteeship administration, the Soviet Union administering the peninsula north of the 38th parallel and the United States administering the south. The politics of the Cold War resulted in the 1948 establishment of two separate governments, North Korea and South Korea.
In June 1950 North Korea invaded the South, using Soviet tanks and weaponry. During the Korean War (1950–53) more than one million people died and the three years of fighting throughout the nation effectively destroyed most cities. The war ended in an Armistice Agreement at approximately the Military Demarcation Line.
  • Division of Korea

The aftermath of World War II left Korea partitioned along the 38th parallel, with the north under Soviet occupation and the south under US occupation supported by other allied states. Consequently, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, a Soviet-style socialist republic, was established in the north while the Republic of Korea, a Western-style regime, was established in the South. The Korean War broke out when Soviet-backed North Korea invaded South Korea, though neither side gained much territory as a result. The Korean Peninsula remains divided, the Korean Demilitarized Zone being the de facto border between the two states.
Since the 1960s, the South Korean economy has grown enormously and the economic structure was radically transformed. In 1957 South Korea had a lower per capita GDP than Ghana, and by 2008 it was 17 times as high as Ghana's.
North Korea, officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is a single-party state, now centred around Kim Il-sung's Juche ideology, with a centrally planned industrial economy. South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea, is a multi-party state with a capitalist market economy, alongside membership in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the Group of Twenty. The two states have greatly diverged both culturally and economically since their partition, though they still share a common traditional culture and pre-Cold War history.
According to R.J. Rummel, forced labor, executions, and concentration camps were responsible for over one million deaths in North Korea from 1948 to 1987; others have estimated 400,000 deaths in concentration camps alone. Estimates based on the most recent North Korean census suggest that 240,000 to 420,000 people died as a result of the 1990s famine and that there were 600,000 to 850,000 unnatural deaths in North Korea from 1993 to 2008.
Tensions continue to this day, but the political arena is a far more complicated one. Recently the U.S. has expressed concerns over North Korea's provocation of South Korea by carrying out shelling of the island of Yeonpyeong, which itself lies on a disputed sea border between the two countries.[54][55][56]
  • Geography

A view of Mount Seorak
Daedongyeojijeondo, a map of Korea
Jeju Island seashore
Korea is located on the Korean Peninsula in North-East Asia. To the northwest, the Amnok River (Yalu River) separates Korea from China and to the northeast, the Duman River (Tumen River) separates Korea from China and Russia. The peninsula is surrounded by the Yellow Sea to the west, the East China Sea and Korea Strait to the south, and the Sea of Japan to the east. Notable islands include Jeju Island (Jejudo), Ulleung Island (Ulleungdo), and Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo).
The southern and western parts of the peninsula have well-developed plains, while the eastern and northern parts are mountainous. The highest mountain in Korea is Mount Paektu or Paektusan (2,744 m), through which runs the border with China. The southern extension of Mount Paektu is a highland called Gaema Heights. This highland was mainly raised during the Cenozoic orogeny and partly covered by volcanic matter. To the south of Gaema Gowon, successive high mountains are located along the eastern coast of the peninsula. This mountain range is named Baekdudaegan. Some significant mountains include Mount Sobaek or Sobaeksan (1,439 m), Mount Kumgang or Kumgangsan (1,638 m), Mount Seorak or Seoraksan (1,708 m), Mount Taebaek or Taebaeksan (1,567 m), and Mount Jiri or Jirisan (1,915 m). There are several lower, secondary mountain series whose direction is almost perpendicular to that of Baekdudaegan. They are developed along the tectonic line of Mesozoic orogeny and their directions are basically northwest.
Unlike most ancient mountains on the mainland, many important islands in Korea were formed by volcanic activity in the Cenozoic orogeny. Jeju Island, situated off the southern coast, is a large volcanic island whose main mountain Mount Halla or Hallasan (1950 m) is the highest in South Korea. Ulleung Island is a volcanic island in the Sea of Japan, whose composition is more felsic than Jeju-do. The volcanic islands tend to be younger, the more westward.
Because the mountainous region is mostly on the eastern part of the peninsula, the main rivers tend to flow westwards. Two exceptions are the southward-flowing Nakdong River (Nakdonggang) and Seomjin River (Seomjingang). Important rivers running westward include the Amnok River, the Chongchon River (Chongchongang), the Taedong River (Taedonggang), the Han River (Hangang), the Geum River (Geumgang), and the Yeongsan River (Yeongsangang). These rivers have vast flood plains and provide an ideal environment for wet-rice cultivation.
The southern and southwestern coastlines of Korea form a well-developed ria coastline, known as Dadohae-jin in Korean. Its convoluted coastline provides mild seas, and the resulting calm environment allows for safe navigation, fishing, and seaweed farming. In addition to the complex coastline, the western coast of the Korean Peninsula has an extremely high tidal amplitude (at Incheon, around the middle of the western coast. It can get as high as 9 m). Vast tidal flats have been developing on the south and west coastlines.


Animal life of Korea includes a considerable number of bird species and native freshwater fish. Native or endemic species of the Korean Peninsula include Korean hare, Korean water deer, Korean field mouse, Korean brown frog, Korean pine and Korean spruce. The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) with its forest and natural wetlands is a unique biodiversity spot, which harbours eighty two endangered species.
There are also approximately 3,034 species of vascular plants.


The combined population of the Koreans is about 73 million (North Korea: 23 million, South Korea: 50 million). Korea is chiefly populated by a highly homogeneous ethnic group, the Koreans, who speak the Korean language. The number of foreigners living in Korea has also steadily increased since the late 20th century, particularly in South Korea, where more than 1 million foreigners reside. It is estimated that only 26,700 of the old Chinese community now remain in South Korea. However, in recent years, immigration from mainland China has increased; 624,994 persons of Chinese nationality have immigrated to South Korea, including 443,566 of ethnic Korean descent. Small communities of ethnic Chinese and Japanese are also found in North Korea. The baekjeong were an “untouchable” outcaste group of Korea, often compared with the burakumin of Japan and the dalits of India.


Hunminjeongeum, afterwards called Hangul.
Korean is the official language of both North and South Korea, and (along with Mandarin) of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Manchuria area of China. Worldwide, there are up to 80 million speakers of the Korean language. South Korea has around 50 million speakers while North Korea around 23 million. Other large groups of Korean speakers are found in China (around 1.8 million speakers), the United States (around 900,000 speakers), the former Soviet Union (around 350,000), Japan (around 700,000), Canada (100,000), Malaysia (70,000) and Australia (150,000). It is estimated that there are around 700,000 people scattered across the world who are able to speak Korean because of job requirements (for example, salespersons or businessmen with Korean contacts), marriages to Koreans or out of pure interest in the language.[citation needed]
The genealogical classification of Korean is debated. Some linguists place it in the Altaic language family; others consider it to be a language isolate. Korean is agglutinative in its morphology and SOV in its syntax. Like Japanese and Vietnamese, Korean has borrowed much vocabulary from the Chinese or created vocabulary on Chinese models.
Modern Korean is written almost exclusively in the script of the Korean alphabet (known as Hangul in South Korea and Chosungul in China and North Korea), which was invented in the 15th century. While Hangul may appear logographic, it is actually a phonemic alphabet organised into syllabic blocks. Each block consists of at least two of the 24 hangul letters (jamo): at least one each of the 14 consonants and 10 vowels. Historically, the alphabet had several additional letters (see obsolete jamo). For a phonological description of the letters, see Korean phonology. Hanja (Chinese characters) and Latin alphabets are sometimes included within Hangul texts, particularly in South Korea.

Culture and arts

Korean Buddhist architecture
Traditional Korean dance (Jinju geommu)
In ancient Chinese texts, Korea is referred to as "Rivers and Mountains Embroidered on Silk" (금수강산, ) and "Eastern Nation of Decorum" (동방예의지국, ). Individuals are regarded as one year old when they are born, as Koreans reckon the pregnancy period as one year of life for infants, and age increments increase on New Year's Day rather than on the anniversary of birthdays. Thus, one born immediately before New Year's Day may only be a few days old in western reckoning, but two years old in Korea. Accordingly, a Korean person's stated age (at least among fellow Koreans) will be one or two years more than their age according to western reckoning. However, western reckoning is sometimes applied with regard to the concept of legal age; for example, the legal age for purchasing alcohol or cigarettes in the Republic of Korea is 19, which is measured according to western reckoning.


Korean literature written before the end of the Joseon Dynasty is called "Classical" or "Traditional." Literature, written in Chinese characters (hanja), was established at the same time as the Chinese script arrived on the peninsula. Korean scholars were writing poetry in the classical Korean style as early as the 2nd century BC, reflecting Korean thoughts and experiences of that time. Classical Korean literature has its roots in traditional folk beliefs and folk tales of the peninsula, strongly influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
Modern literature is often linked with the development of hangul, which helped spread literacy from the aristocracy to the common people and women. Hangul, however, only reached a dominant position in Korean literature in the second half of the 19th century, resulting in a major growth in Korean literature. Sinsoseol, for instance, are novels written in hangul.
The Korean War led to the development of literature centered on the wounds and chaos of war. Much of the post-war literature in South Korea deals with the daily lives of ordinary people, and their struggles with national pain. The collapse of the traditional Korean value system is another common theme of the time.


Korean music includes both folk and classical music. The country has produced internationally prominent composers. Young-ja Lee is one example. She was born in 1931 in Wonju and studied at the Conservatoire de Paris, and the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. She continued her education at the Manhattan School of Music. Lee endured hardships during the Japanese occupation and Korean War, but emerged to become one of the dominant forces in Korean music in the 20th century.


Amitabha and Eight Great Bodhisattvas, Goryeo scroll from the 1300s
Confucian tradition has dominated Korean thought, along with contributions by Buddhism, Taoism, and Korean Shamanism. Since the middle of the 20th century, however, Christianity has competed with Buddhism in South Korea, while religious practice has been suppressed in North Korea. Throughout Korean history and culture, regardless of separation; the influence of traditional beliefs of Korean Shamanism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism have remained an underlying religion of the Korean people as well as a vital aspect of their culture; all these traditions have coexisted peacefully for hundreds of years up to today despite strong Westernisation from Christian missionary conversions in the South or the pressure from the Juche government in the North.
According to 2005 statistics compiled by the South Korean government, about 46% of citizens profess to follow no particular religion. Christians account for 29.2% of the population (of which are Protestants 18.3% and Catholics 10.9%) and Buddhists 22.8%.
Islam in South Korea is practiced by about 45,000 natives (about 0.09% of the population) in addition to some 100,000 foreign workers from Muslim countries.


Korean cuisine is probably best known for kimchi, a side dish which uses a distinctive fermentation process of preserving vegetables, most commonly cabbage. Kimchi is said to relieve the pores on the skin, thereby reducing wrinkles and providing nutrients to the skin naturally. It is also healthy, as it provides necessary vitamins and nutrients. Gochujang (Korean traditional sauce made of red pepper) is also commonly used, often as pepper (chilli) paste, earning the cuisine a reputation for being spicy.
Bulgogi (roasted marinated meat, usually beef), galbi (marinated grilled short ribs), and samgyeopsal (pork belly) are popular meat entrees. Fish is also a popular commodity, as it is the traditional meat that Koreans eat. Meals are usually accompanied by a soup or stew, such as galbitang (stewed ribs) and doenjang jjigae (fermented bean paste soup). The center of the table is filled with a shared collection of sidedishes called banchan.
Other popular dishes include bibimbap which literally means "mixed rice" (rice mixed with meat, vegetables, and red pepper paste) and naengmyeon (cold noodles).
Instant noodles are also a very popular snack food. Koreans also enjoy food from pojangmachas (street vendors), where one can buy tteokbokki (rice cake and fish cake with a spicy gochujang sauce), fried squid and glazed sweet potato. Soondae, a sausage made of cellophane noodles and pork blood, is widely eaten. There is also an instant noodle called "Ramyun" which is spicy for non-Koreans.
Additionally, some of other common snacks includes "Choco Pie", shrimp cracker, "bbungtigi" (fried rice cracker), and "nu lung ji" (slightly burnt rice). Nu lung ji can be eaten as it is or boiled with water to make a soup. Nu lung ji can be eaten as a snack or a dessert.


The modern South Korean school system consists of six years in elementary school, three years in middle school, and three years in high school. Students are required to go to elementary and middle school, and do not have to pay for their education, except for a small fee called a "School Operation Support Fee" that differs from school to school. The Programme for International Student Assessment, coordinated by the OECD, ranks South Korea's science education as the third best in the world and being significantly higher than the OECD average.
South Korea ranks second on math and literature and first in problem solving. Although South Korean students often rank high on international comparative assessments, the education system is criticised for emphasising too much upon passive learning and memorization. The South Korean education system is rather notably strict and structured as compared to its counterparts in most Western societies. Also, the prevalence of non-school for-profit private institutes such as academies or cram-schools (Hagwon [학원]), which too emphasise on passive memorisation, as opposed to conceptual understanding, in students are criticised as a major social problem. After students enter university, however, the situation is markedly reversed
The North Korean education system consists primarily of universal and state funded schooling by the government. The national literacy rate for citizens 15 years of age and above is over 99 percent. Children go through one year of kindergarten, four years of primary education, six years of secondary education, and then on to universities. The most prestigious university in the DPRK is Kim Il-sung University. Other notable universities include Kim Chaek University of Technology, which focuses on computer science, Pyongyang University of Foreign Studies, which trains working level diplomats and trade officials, and Kim Hyong Jik University, which trains teachers.
Outside the formal structure of schools and classrooms in the north is the extremely important "social education." This education includes not only extracurricular activities but also family life and the broadest range of human relationships within society. There is great sensitivity to the influence of the social environment on the growing child and its role in the development of his or her character. The ideal of social education is to provide a carefully controlled environment in which children are exposed only to pro-Juche and anti-south influences. According to a North Korean official interviewed in 1990, 'School education is not enough to turn the rising generation into men of knowledge, virtue, and physical fitness. After school, our children have many spare hours. So it's important to efficiently organise their afterschool education'.

Science and technology

Jikji, Selected Teachings of Buddhist Sages and Seon Masters, the earliest known book printed with movable metal type, 1377. Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris.
One of the best known artifacts of Korea's history of science and technology is Cheomseongdae (첨성대, ), a 9.4-meter high observatory built in 634.
The earliest known surviving Korean example of woodblock printing is the Mugujeonggwang Great Dharani Sutra. It is believed to have been printed in Korea in 750–51 AD which, if correct, would make it older than the Diamond Sutra. Goryeo silk was highly regarded by Westerners and Korean pottery made with blue-green celadon was of the highest quality and sought after by even Arabian merchants. Goryeo had a bustling economy with a capital that was frequented by merchants from all over the known world.
During the Joseon period the Geobukseon (turtle Ship) was invented, which were covered by a wooden deck and iron with thorns, as well as other weapons such as the bigyeokjincheolloe cannon (비격진천뢰, ) and the hwacha.
The Korean alphabet hangul was also invented during this time by King Sejong the Great.


While association football remains one of the most popular sports in Korea, the martial art of taekwondo is still considered to be the national traditional sport. Baseball is also increasing in popularity.


Taekwondo is the national sport of Korea and one of the country's most famous sports. According to ancient Korean history, soldiers learned Taekwondo as a principal source of physical training. Farmers used it to protect themselves/their animals from wild animals and thieves. It combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise and in some cases meditation and philosophy. Taekwondo has become an official Olympic sport, starting as a demonstration event in 1988 and becoming an official medal event in 2000.


Hapkido is a Korean martial art similar to Jujutsu that employs joint locks, throws, kicks, punches and other striking attacks like attacks against pressure points. Hapkido emphasizes circular motion, non-resisting movements and control of the opponent. Practitioners seek to gain advantage through footwork and body positioning to employ leverage, avoiding the pure use of strength against strength.


Ssireum is a form of wrestling that has been practiced in Korea for thousands of years, with evidence discovered from Korea's Three Kingdoms Period (57 BC to 688). Ssireum is the traditional national sport of Korea. During a match, opponents grip each other by sash belts wrapped around the waist and the thigh, attempting to throw their competitor to the sandy ground of the ring. The first opponent to touch the ground with any body part above the knee or to lose hold of their opponent loses the round.
Ssireum competitions are traditionally held twice a year, during the Tano Festival (the 5th day of the fifth lunar month) and Chuseok (the 15th day of the 8th lunar month). Competitions are also held throughout the year as a part of festivals and other events.